That opened the door for someone else to pick up the hammer and carry it around in his place. Then, of course, one day he should wake up and not be able to lift it.

You know, the god of thunder waking up every morning and looking at the hammer and not knowing if he’s gonna be worthy to lift it. I liked the idea of dealing with his worthiness and the idea of what it means for a god to be worthy in the Marvel universe. Aaron said, "It grew out of the idea of the previous Thor becoming unworthy, which was something I was always building toward. 4 #8 (May 2015), the identity of the woman was revealed to be Jane Foster. But it’s unlike any Thor we’ve ever seen before." In 2015, this Thor joined the Avengers in All-New All-Different Avengers FCBD (May 2015), which takes place in the aftermath of the " Secret Wars" storyline. In October 2014, the fourth volume of Thor, writer Jason Aaron and artist Russell Dauterman in the first issue debuted a female character in the role of Thor after the classic hero is no longer able to wield Mjolnir. 1967) of the title, by then renamed Thor. Donald Blake, the secret identity of the Norse god superhero Thor, in nearly every issue through #136 (Jan. Named "Jane Nelson" in her first two appearances, she went on to appear as the love interest of Dr. Jane Foster first appeared in Journey into Mystery #84 (September 1962), and was created by plotter Stan Lee, scripter Larry Lieber and penciler Jack Kirby. Cover art by Russell Dauterman and Frank Martin. 2014): First appearance of Jane Foster as Thor. Since 2011, Natalie Portman has portrayed Jane Foster in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Since her debut, Jane Foster has been described as one of Marvel's most notable and powerful female heroes. The character has also appeared in various media adaptations of Thor. After Brunnhilde and the rest of the Valkyrior are killed during " The War of the Realms" storyline, Foster takes up the mantle of Valkyrie.

Foster's stint as Thor ends with the character sacrificing her life and the mantle reverting to the original Thor.

During this period, she adopts the mantle of Thor, and joins the Avengers. Foster is later revealed to be deemed worthy to wield Thor's hammer Mjolnir when the former is no longer able. Donald Blake, Thor's first mortal host, before becoming a doctor herself. For many years, Foster was a nurse, employed by Dr. Created by writers Stan Lee and Larry Lieber, and artist Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in Journey into Mystery #84 (September 1962). The character was introduced as a love interest of the superhero Thor Odinson until becoming a superhero in her own right. Jane Foster is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Mediumship with the spirits of the dead.Access to Undrjarn, the shapeshifting weapon.Asgardian/Valkyrie physiology granting superhuman strength, stamina, durability, speed, and vision.Superhuman strength, stamina, durability, and speed.Human (access to Asgardian/Valkyrie attributes) Journey into Mystery #84 (September 1962) Pictured clockwise from left: Foster as herself as Valkyrie as Thor. Jane Foster on the textless cover of Valkyrie: Jane Foster #6 (December 2019).